Saturday, April 30, 2011


2 Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.-1 John 3:2

Uncertainty in life is scary, it can make you do things that you didn't really want to do. Uncertainty in life can make you decide not to retire, get married, move away, or fall in love. Uncertainty causes worry and stress and even anxiety and depression in some. Most often times in my life, I feel uncertainty in school work, work, family, friends, and love. Uncertain if I will make the grade, disappoint, or not make the right choice. I'm uncertain if I will make the right choice in who I love, cherish, and adore. All of these things will make you go insane, it is what is making some of my hairs turn gray at 20 years old  and even before that time.

Tomorrow is uncertain, this is a fact. We don't know if we will do all the things on our check list tomorrow or if we will finally get to go on that vacation a month from now. We don't have any right to boast about tomorrow as we don't know what tomorrow will bring forth; however, we do. We go about life, with all this uncertainty, certain that we will have tomorrow to live it out better.

Below are devotions by Oswald Chambers. These really spoke to me as I always say that I'm certain in my faith, but I am stuck in my ways. I do not allow for spontaneity, fun, excitement, happiness, or joy to come from anything because I'm so worried that that is not what is supposed to happen. I always think of the "What if" in life, this is no way to live. I am complex; every move thought out. I will always second guess every action, reaction, and thought. I never can just enjoy myself as thoughts race through my warn out mind.

As these devotions say, when I second guess my actions or motives, I'm not trusting God. Yet, as I second guess my actions, I'm a creature of habit. I do the same thing every day, when I find something that works, I keep doing it. So I second guess my actions, as I'm sure you have read on here, and I do the same thing over and over. This seems that I'm an oxymoron - no surprise there though. Even though I move a lot, I've went to many different schools, and churches, I've never felt stable. Maybe this was a good thing. Still, I keep looking for some consistency in life, I want something to be certain; however, the only thing certain in life is God. All else will waver and fade, but God remains.
Naturally, we are inclined to be so mathematical and calculating that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing. We imagine that we have to reach some end, but that is not the nature of spiritual life. The nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty, consequently we do not make our nests anywhere. Common sense says - "Well, supposing I were in that condition . . ." We cannot suppose ourselves in any condition we have never been in. Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life: gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth. This is generally said with a sigh of sadness, it should be rather an expression of breathless expectation. We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. Immediately we abandon to God, and do the duty that lies nearest, He packs our life with surprises all the time. When we become advocates of a creed, something dies; we do not believe God, we only believe our belief about Him. Jesus said, "Except ye become as little children." Spiritual life is the life of a child. We are not uncertain of God, but uncertain of what He is going to do next. If we are only certain in our beliefs, we get dignified and severe and have the ban of finality about our views; but when we are rightly related to God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy. "Believe also in Me," said Jesus, not - "Believe certain things about Me." Leave the whole thing to Him, it is gloriously uncertain how He will come in, but He will come. Remain loyal to Him.
This is the unshakable secret of the Lord to those who trust Him - "I will give thee thy life." What more does a man want than his life  It is the essential thing. "Thy life for a prey" means that wherever you may go, even if it is into hell, you will come out with your life, nothing can harm it. So many of us are caught up in the shows of things, not in the way of property and possessions, but of blessings. All these have to go; but there is something grander that never can go - the life that is "hid with Christ in God." Are you prepared to let God take you into union with Himself, and pay no more attention to what you call the great things  Are you prepared to abandon entirely and let go  The test of abandonment is in refusing to say - "Well, what about this " Beware of suppositions. Immediately you allow - What about this  - it means you have not abandoned, you do not really trust God. Immediately you do abandon, you think no more about what God is going to do. Abandon means to refuse yourself the luxury of asking any questions. If you abandon entirely to God, He says at once, "Thy life will I give thee for a prey." The reason people are tired of life is because God has not given them anything, they have not got their life as a prey. The way to get out of that state is to abandon to God. When you do get through to abandonment to God, you will be the most surprised and delighted creature on earth; God has got you absolutely and has given you your life. If you are not there, it is either because of disobedience or a refusal to be simple enough.


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